Tuesday, July 26, 2005

today I watered my tomato plants...

I really enjoy watering my tomato plants. I bought them from the local hardware store. They appeared to be on their last legs. But I planted them anyway and watched them grow into hearty plants. I rejoiced when I began to see blossoms appear and, of course, hope these blossoms will turn to red fruit.

I enjoy standing with the hose pointed at what I imagine are thirsty roots. I think in my head how thankful they must be to have the shower of cool water dripping on their leaves, soaking into the ground, sinking beneath the soil. I also imagine the tomatoes that will eventually hang on the branches and how I will come to the plants anticipating my reward for all this care.

I remember other tomato plants in past years which always seem to thrive in this very spot in my garden. The soil has rested a bit for the last two years. When my mother died I had no desire to plant things. But when I saw those straggly plants....buy one get one free, I couldn't resist. Now....everyday I water, watch and wait for tomatoes and the return of things that celebrate the normal.

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