Friday, August 24, 2007

blessings from crow

circling, circling over head

blessing the prayer journey

speaking mind to heart

affirming the intent

of the solitary prayer

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

what it means

each bird has its own song
each song is distinctive
every song contributes
to the harmony of the morning

no song is better than another
all are needed to complete
the mosaic of life on earth

please, God

let my song add to
her beauty
and purpose

Friday, August 03, 2007

humans being

the 35W bridge collapses

random strangers
in a human tragedy

some will not survive
some will save others
but all will be changed

the shared window
of time is brief

but for those who
were on the bridge

the experience has
connected them


Wednesday, August 01, 2007


disciplined, dancing
hardly seems possible
that they could have
done something
so wrong
that prison
was their fate