Sunday, May 29, 2005

Thursday, May 19, 2005

friendship bracelets Posted by Hello

ya ya sisterhood

This evening I went out to eat with 5 friends. We laughed, talked and listened to one another. Having close girlfriends is always good for women. Having close friends when you reach midlife is very special. We communicate nonverbally as well as with the spoken word. We look into one another's eyes and listen with our hearts as we share what has happened in the month since we last saw one another. My "ya ya" friends, as I call them, are priceless to me. I can't imagine being without them.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

pic by welch Posted by Hello

lunar moth

glancing through
the insect book
a picture of the
lunar moth
catches my eye

the most
lovely green

next day at school
the children
excitedly point

a lunar moth
quietly rests on the
side of the building

eager to know more
we return to
the same insect book

we read that this
rarely seen
moth has possibly
from the eastern
United States
or from
southern Canada

nature's synchronicity
at its finest

the color blue

sighing with
my house
pretty again

You whispered my name

the clock said 4:45 a.m.
I woke from a
sound sleep

I woke because
you whispered
my name

what did you want?

Monday, May 09, 2005

a n g e l Posted by Hello

Dear Mom,

I just wish you could see what is happening to my house. I know you would be pleased. This is the first time in my life that I have wanted to significantly change my living environment and put my mark on it. It will be more like stepping outdoors when you step inside the front door. Elyse's pictures will hang in more than one room. There will be a water fountain in the living room. The tile in the entry way has inlaid pebbles. The colors of the rooms are the colors of the outdoors.
The person who is working on the house is named Tara and she says she really enjoys being there. She says it such a peaceful place to work.
I know, Mom, you would be so pleased. Come visit sometime.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

astronomy pic of the day Posted by Hello

dazzle, razzle day

walked outside
the school

where most
my day was spent

my soul
was literally
filled with sunshine