Monday, January 31, 2005

the time line continues

Saturday was a great day of synchronicity for me. I was beginning to think that my time line of events was slowing. How could I expect these wonders to continue indefinitely? Then I was introduced to the film "What the bleep do we know anyway?" I haven't seen it yet but was pretty sure I would want my own copy. The web site was full of information about scientists, medical doctors and psycologists who are examining the relationship of science and religion.

My own earth story started when I began reading extensively about Native Americans and their concern for earth. At first I didn't understand what I was reading but was interested. Gradually I accepted the ideas and began to feel a closeness to earth. This was built upon when my mother passed away. I was in deep mourning and needed comfort. I bought an ashiko drum and sought people who drummed in groups. The comfort I received from this experience was only one of the benefits. I was meeting people who were praying for earth with their drums. After the election here in the States, I was overwhelmed with another episode of mourning and began to meditate and pray for earth in my own way. I was/am very concerned for the future of all of earth and sought out others who felt the same. This was hard. There were very few who felt as intensely as I did. I wrote to my daughter's friend who had a vision about earth and humankind's role. Links to web sites he provided led me to books by Thomas Berry and Brian Swimme. What I read in their books actually began the magnificant journey I'm on now. I discovered there were so many people who cared. The intensity of the experience lessened somewhat knowing the burden did not rest with a few.

I want to put this intense desire to work. Yesterday as I linked with the web site for the movie I found my outlet, meditating with others to bring about healing and peace to earth. I know that this discovery will not be wasted. I will seek opportunities to do what burns brightly within. I am thankful I have been given this knowledge. I thirst for more.

1 comment:

Steven said...

The funny part is, I haven't seen the movie either, yet. I was telling my sister today that I wouldn't be surprised if I ended up seeing it on the plane to Thailand. Great picture of the Earth by the way.