Thursday, March 17, 2005

I have a terrible cold

I have a terrible cold. I have been home from school all this week. My student teacher had it first. I was feeling pretty cocky that I was seemingly escaping the germ. But, alas, it got me and got me good. My frantic pace slowed to that of a snail. But next week is spring holiday. I plan to attend a prayer vigil for peace this weekend. I hope my cold allows me that opportunity.
Some of my time at home has been spent watching C-span. I purposely disconnected myself from the goings on of politics because I was getting too upset. But am glad I plugged back in this week. Congress voted to start drilling in the Artic Refuge. I think I am going to sell my truck. I can't have a truck and be opposed to drilling in the Arctic. The two just don't go together. I need to put my money where my mouth is. (What an odd saying that is.) Bush's budget is every rich man's dream. The peace rally should be interesting. I'll try to post some pictures.
I can't say it's been an exciting week, not like some people I know. But that kind of excitement is better left to those with a sense of adventure. (You know who you are)

1 comment:

Steven said...

Sorry about your Cold. Maybe you caught it from my sister's Blog. Myself, I don't have your wild spirit of adventure. I had a Flu shot. Sawadee Cup.