Wednesday, July 05, 2006

What is the big picture?

the inverted picture seems to be
EARTH tipped precariously
towards destruction

mostly male
sees fit to play with FIRE

"we cannot help ourselves,"
they say

"his gun is not bigger than mine
he thinks he owns the land, the goods
I should have my share, his share"

the rest of humankind,
women and all children
must live with these
gone WILD

until those of the human RACE
with a sense of the
larger picture

stop the maddness
quiet the savagery
and speak from a PLACE

of wisdom and GRACE

male or female
it matters not

we, together
must find
our voice

EARTH'S season
with humankind
demands it.

1 comment:

Stelle said...

yes. I agree. I agree.