Friday, January 20, 2006

will I know you when I see you....

will you be tall and thin
will I recognize you by your
s mi l e

do you have brown hair or black
what will you be wearing

will your eyes betray what you know
will I know you know my secrets


will you merely pass unnoticed
and the opportunity for friendship

will be

l i k e it

o r not

s a d

t h i n g s happen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's been said that science is defined as the effort to explain complicated things in the simplest way possible so that the maximum number of people can understand them while poetry is the effort to explain simple things in a manner that almost no one can understand.

Sorry, just a little humor there.

As a teacher, you come into direct contact with the products of disfunctional families on a regular basis. With that in mind, what do you think of my criticism of the Institution of Family?