This is the last week I will be writing prayers as the assisting minister for the month of June. Again, I wanted to share the experience on my blog.
The heavens and earth belong to You
and so does the world with all its people
You are strong and mighty
Your love can always be trusted
God of love
Hear our prayer
O Lord, in all generations you have been our home
You have always been God-
long before the birth of the mountains
even before You created the heavens and earth
bring us ever nearer to You
knowing that nothing in heaven or on earth
can separate us from You.
keep us ever close.
God of love
Hear our prayer
You are the greatest
over all the gods we may put in our lives
gods of wealth, health or security
are no substitue for You
You hold the deepest part of the earth
in your hands
and the mountain peaks belong to You
The ocean is Yours because You made it
and with Your own hands
You formed the dry land
we are the stewards of these gifts
give us wisdom to be responsible
and visionaries for future humankind
God of love
Hear our prayer
Other gifts from You
eternal life
freedom from the death of sin
knowledge of You
all these things You give
so that your children
may see You
and be with You
for all time.
We thank You.
God of love
Hear our prayer
You love all people and You
want wholeness and goodness for each.
We pray this morning for those we want to
especially remember and bring before you..........
We pray again this morning
for all the families who lost
loved ones in war this week
We come in faith and love
knowing You know their pain and suffering.
We ask protection
and strength of heart for our own members..........
Give our homebound members
Your continued presence and unfailing love
We remember.......